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Anum Estate 611, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 75400, Pakistan

Everyone needs a Domain!

Why do you need a domain? To simply have an Internet presence. Why? I don’t need it. Internet presence is not just for companies to sell products and offer services. They are for individuals and enthusiasts as well. 

Karachi!!!!!!!! Wake up. Everyone is an entrepreneur these days. Kids are the best negotiators and entrepreneurs you will ever encounter. How? Well, just think about it when you used to be a kiddo and you used to negotiate with your parents and was creative about it.

You need a domain because you are selling and you need an exposure. Karachi Host can help you expose you as a new born child, kid, student, professional, family, corporate, even your wedding. How? Well, all you have to do is plan a domain name that suits you.

You can expose yourself in form of pictures publishing on your pictures or your photographs.
If you want to publish pictures you can .PICTURES domain. And if you need to show your photographs as a gallery, then you can have .PHOTOGRAPHY domain.

There are several examples.

  • You are a corporate lawyer. You can have The domain .LAWYER is specifically for lawyers.
  • You are a criminal attorney. You can have The domain .ATTORNEY is specifically for attorneys.
  • You are a cricket club. You can have The domain .CRICKET is for sports lover or even for insects lover.
  • You are a fashion/textile/jewelry or any other designer. You can have The domain .DESIGN is for who need to showcase their designs.

Even if you are not a professional; you also need a domain. You need an area or a territory to express your feelings and your writings. Owning a domain name and then hosting it is the best way to write your blogs and make money. You don’t need any programming. There are tools available that are easy to learn. All you need is a motivation to learn and act upon it.